Faculty of Pre-university Education of the Belarusian State University


Preparatory Department

Preparatory Department for foreign citizens was founded in September 1961 when Pre-University Faculty for foreign citizens was opened at the Belarusian State University and 62 Cuba students started their study at the faculty.

For over half a century more than 8000 foreign students from 98 countries have graduated from the faculty. Teachers of the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens worked at higher educational institutions in numerous countries all over the world. Our teachers are highly qualified specialists who used to work in such countries as: India, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, France, Japan, Syria, Czechoslovakia, Cambodia, Mali, Germany, Italy, Algeria and China.

The educational process at the preparatory department for foreign citizens is carried out by the Department of Russian as a foreign language and general disciplines. Since 2009, the studying process at the preparatory department has been provided according to two curricula:  

  • the curriculum for the CIS citizens;
  • the curriculum for international students. 

The curriculum (1224 academic hours in total) includes classes of Russian language (60-75% of hours) and two other disciplines connected with the future specialization of an applicant. The studying process at the Faculty of Pre-University Education is organized in connection with the following educational spheres: Economics, Chemistry, International Relations, Physics and Mathematics, Linguistics, Literature, Journalism and Psychology.

The education is full-time and pre-paid. After passing exams of a preparatory course, international students get a State graduation certificate that enables the graduates to be enrolled at any university of the Republic of Belarus.

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